Breast self-examination (BSE), performed at the same time each month, takes little time, cost nothing and can help you be aware of how your breast normally look and feel.
1. Stand In Front of Mirror
Examine your breast with hands at sides, then clasped overhead. Look for changes in size or shape, or nipple changes. Squeeze both nipples between thumb and forefinger to check for discharge. Then press hands on hips and push elbows forward to tighten chest muscles. Look for dimpling, puckering, redness, scaliness or changes in shape, size, texture or skin color.
2. In The Shower
Examine your breast with hands at sides, then clasped overhead. Look for changes in size or shape, or nipple changes. Squeeze both nipples between thumb and forefinger to check for discharge. Then press hands on hips and push elbows forward to tighten chest muscles. Look for dimpling, puckering, redness, scaliness or changes in shape, size, texture or skin color.
3. Laying Down
Examine your breast with hands at sides, then clasped overhead. Look for changes in size or shape, or nipple changes. Squeeze both nipples between thumb and forefinger to check for discharge. Then press hands on hips and push elbows forward to tighten chest muscles. Look for dimpling, puckering, redness, scaliness or changes in shape, size, texture or skin color.